Entrance to Hluhluwe. |
View from Centenary road |
Coffee and a view |
A breakfast stop at the riverside is a wonderful spot to view the river and a site where we've watched buffalo, elephant and lion. A nice strong cup of freshly brewed coffee accompanies me birding, while Alan gets cooking. There are a few visitors who stop to chat and view the crocodile lying at the water's edge, but we soon have the picnic spot to ourselves as we tuck into breakfast. Food always seems to taste better out in the fresh air. We watch the antics of the white-fronted bee eaters as they swoop and turn catching their morning insects. In the top of the dead tree, a vulture sits preening his feathers.
Time to leave this spot, the sun is up and the day is warming to HOT! Zululand is beautiful, but can be really warm a this time of the year. We stop at the waterhole, coasting in quietly with the engine off so that we don't disturb the white-faced ducks. They respond by posing for photos. Over the top of the grass we can see waterlily flowers, still tightly in bud. The shrill hoot of an African Jacana alerts us to it's presence and we stretch our necks to see his bright blue coloured head in the grass.
Next to the car is a spider's web, still heavy with water drops, a chance to try out some photography skills.
Golden orb web spider |
We cross the river and after admiring the breath-taking view, turn around to head for the Hluhluwe side of the park. There is always something around the next bend in the road and the open car windows let the warm air blow into the car, cooling us in the mid-day heat. We have a successful day finding new birds, and seeing familiar animals. Impala ignore us as we stop to watch their family groups Ears twitch and they calmly chew the short grass. Magnificent impala rams stand proudly, their horns a testimony to their strength. A family of warthogs run across the road, tails lifted high, stopping to dig for roots at the verge on the other side. A lone male elephant slowly strips the leaves off a tree, long eyelashes protect his eyes and the slow flap of his ears cools his great body. His long flexible trunk, lifts high in the air to smell us, then turns back to the important business of eating. We enjoy the clam majesty of the elephant and the stupendous view and drive off to have a late lunch.
Each picnic site has surprises and we watch a Pied Kingfisher hover and dive into the water catching a small shiny fish. He hits it on the tree branch before swallowing it whole, head first. Two Brown Hooded Kingfisher flash past us and sit whistling in the fever trees. On the ground, the Black-collared barbet successfully catches a dragon fly and sits contentedly on a branch chomping it down. We watch the golden orb webbed spider in the middle of her web and see the tiny male hovering carefully on the edges. The thick golden strands of her web glisten in the afternoon sunlight, ready to catch unwary insects.

All to soon, it's time to head for the gate, but not before we see a white rhino, peacefully grazing on the hillside. Occasionally he glaces myopically in our direction, but decides that we are not a threat. He ignores us and moves slowly through the long grass, selecting choice shoots, breaking them off with his wide mouth and slowly chewing. We could learn some lessons from watching these big creatures. They remain focused on the task at hand, aware of their surroundings, but not distracted by it.
The wide open spaces of Hluhluwe, the endless rolling vista of green, the unexpected beauty and the glory of its wildlife is there to see if one just takes time. Every time we come to the park, it helps put life back in perspective and restores my spirit. One is truly nearer God's heart in a garden.
All to soon, it's time to head for the gate, but not before we see a white rhino, peacefully grazing on the hillside. Occasionally he glaces myopically in our direction, but decides that we are not a threat. He ignores us and moves slowly through the long grass, selecting choice shoots, breaking them off with his wide mouth and slowly chewing. We could learn some lessons from watching these big creatures. They remain focused on the task at hand, aware of their surroundings, but not distracted by it.
The wide open spaces of Hluhluwe, the endless rolling vista of green, the unexpected beauty and the glory of its wildlife is there to see if one just takes time. Every time we come to the park, it helps put life back in perspective and restores my spirit. One is truly nearer God's heart in a garden.
Hluhluwe, afternoon viewing! |